Great, quick advice... often from Autdesk experts. Make sure you search for your question before posting since it may have already been addressed.
Autodesk User's Group International (AUGI) Revit Forum
Info from Georgia Tech
BIM @ Tech
Vetted content from Autodesk
Autodesk Seek
Autodesk Education Community (free downloads and advice)
BIM and Revit Blogs and Sites:
Do U Revit?The Revit Kid
Revit Op Ed
Revit Tutorials
Autodesk University Online Classes
Revit Families from Manufacturers:
Herman Miller
Third Party Revit Family Downloads*
Turbo Squid
The Revit Collection
*use with caution!
File Sharing over DropBox
As of Jan 2013, I have yet to try this, but it may be an interesting solution for using worksharing on group projects.
Worksets and DropboxDropbox as Revit Server
As I come across some additional links, I will edit and update this post.